Friday, March 30, 2012

Lean, Agile, Scrum ... and bussines model

After my last post with some content, I got positive feedback from friend, former colleague: "nice post, good idea, I'll try it out". Sure! - Lean-Agile-Scrum are full of great ideas. Too few people are listening to them. Hmmm and then I've got a question: "how could I incorporate it into my business model?". And I could not answer. That's the point => we now already how to build great software, but we do not have any clue what to build.
OK - so I have got myself on the way to learn new area: I have changed books, blogs and activities. Instead of "Succeeding with Agile" by Mike Cohn I read now books from Steven Blank and Eric Ries. Instead of attending big Lean and Agile conferences I attend barcamps and startup weekends. And instead of talking inside the team or organization how to change the process I started to write code again. And making customer surveys, and evaluating ideas, and changing fast my direction. And I nearly quit my job (I spent now 20 hours/week for my employer). Surprise, surprise - my personal life satisfaction went up dramatically. Stay tuned.

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